Introducing The YOU-TURN System©
An online course for building the transformational power of Self-honor. YOU deserve the happiness, confidence and fulfillment that comes from living your life with greater peace and dynamic energy every single day.
The YOU-TURN System is an self-lead online course offered in 5 inspirational, deep-dive learning modules, with an introduction module and additional bonus week wrap-up module. You'll receive over 6 hours of individual content video lessons, a tools training, Personal Information Blueprint PDF, companion skill-building exercises and self-assessments. Modules are released weekly.
Learn the step-by-step approach to take back peace and energy and create an unshakeable foundation for the life you really want to LIVE! Wake-up the wisdom and inspiration within to streamline your unique path to peace and energy. Cultivate the skillset to consistently move away from stress and exhaustion while moving deeply into thriving Self-honor. Design your unique YOU-TURN and start experiencing the transformation that is calling YOU. Ready to take your life to the NEXT LEVEL?

Ask yourself...
Have my habits and routines been bringing the peace and energy I desire and deserve?
Am I living in my zone of balance everyday?
Do I experience a steady stream of positive energy, a calm, stable mood and deep meaning in my daily life?
Do I feel like my life is full of endless trying, or endless receiving?
“Will I ever really overcome these challenges?”
Even if you’re not always in the zone, you know how great it feels when you’re “there.” Maybe you’ve noticed that once you get things dialed in it isn’t long before life tosses you even more challenges and it’s simply overwhelming. In those frustrating moments you may wonder if you’ll ever find a better way to address the stress and exhaustion that never seems to let up. You are not alone.
What's even worse is that you know you are a smart, hard-working person, but you still feel the struggle with figuring out your next best step. You might love your current routine, but find yourself outgrowing it or it failing YOU. You want to overcome your challenges, enjoy your life, achieve your goals, and thrive with plenty of peace and energy. But sometimes it may feel almost impossible. I TOTALLY get it.
In Each Weekly Module You Will Receive...

An Inspirational Content Video
Enjoy weekly inspirational content videos thoroughly exploring and guiding you to contemplate and integrate the module content. Each YOU-TURN System video lesson presents one of the five focus areas, and prepares you for the companion exercises. Also included is an introduction video module and bonus week assessment video with a special wrap-up to empower and transform all of your cumulative work throughout the program.
The YOU-TURN System Tools Training
Learn to use the specialized tools in this instructional video, along with your Personal Information Blueprint. Together, they will help you to lay the groundwork and guide you in crafting your unique path of Self-honor. You will enjoy these powerful tools as you venture toward the transformation you desire to experience.

Companion Skill-Building Exercises
Explore, experiment and discover yourself and your most Self-honoring path using the companion skill-building exercises and assessments. A good variety of exercises keeps it interesting while guiding you chronologically through each module. Using the exercises will help you learn to expertly navigate and deepen your integration of the content, by powerfully refining and alchemizing your module results.
Develop Your YOU-TURN
Systematically integrate your panel of personal data to holistically understand the specific thoughts and actions that will enhance and support your state of overall wellbeing and your unique path to thriving Self-honor. Learn how you can protect, manage and grow your energy like a pro, regardless of outside circumstances.

Live your Self-honoring Lifestyle
Now it's time to start living your YOU-TURN. Experience the fruits of your creative work in developing a personal map through the YOU-TURN System©. It's time to enjoy unshakeable confidence, optimism and resilience. Here, peace and energy become the foundational hallmarks of your valued and abiding lifestyle, supporting and uplifting you to new, exciting levels that just keep on coming!
What is the quickest, most effective path to peace and energy?
The quickest path to peace and energy is Self-honor, and understanding how to use it. Without it, you may frequently find you don’t have the energy to show up fully in your life. You’ll experience stress, exhaustion, fear and doubt. If you're too exhausted to do the things you love to do, it’s definitely time for positive change!
How can I create sustainable peace and energy?
The answer is both simple and profound. Using this evolutionary empowerment step-by-step system, you'll learn to use Self-honoring baby steps to create ever-growing peace and energy....and a more inspiring set of personal resources to meet YOUR unique needs.
It's time to move from your zone of current ability to your zone of Self-honor, and do it with joy—NOT stress. With ease—NOT exhaustion. You really can experience more sustainable peace, energy and satisfaction than you EVER thought possible.

Can I create my own path that feels right to ME?
Absolutely! Within you is a resource of wisdom, compassion and love with answers tailor-made for YOU. Can you imagine having just the right answers to heal and move beyond those stressful symptoms for good? Start living your life on YOUR own terms! You’ll do it using what is truly meaningful to YOU. That's how you develop Self-honor, with thriving peace and energy to spare.
Your journey through the YOU-TURN System will help you understand exactly how to increase your peace and energy any time and every time. You'll feel more connected from head to heart and empowered from day one! You see, the deep wisdom within YOU gives life to the framework through your personal data. You'll learn just how powerful the Self-honoring lifestyle can be.
Do I have the skills to do this successfully?
Gaining more peace and dynamic energy does not have to be complicated. You can easily learn to live life where thoughts and resulting actions come from a place of positivity and support, i.e., from your Highest good. Imagine the trajectory your life will start running on when you live this way? You CAN free yourself from chronic stress and exhaustion using the content, tools and strategies of the YOU-TURN System©, and you'll do it with creativity and inspiration, NOT perspiration!
You’ll easily learn what works for YOU and you'll enjoy developing your zone of success. No more cobbling together bits and pieces from coaching or self-empowerment programs that leave you feeling overwhelmed, uninspired, unsuccessful and unsatisfied. The YOU-TURN System© is designed to give you a more holistic and integrated experience you'll LOVE.
Who teaches the YOU-TURN System?
I’m Karen Palaszek, Founder of Quiet Mountain Wellness, author of It’s Time For A YOU-TURN and creator and teacher of the YOU-TURN System©. I am an experienced and certified yoga and meditation teacher for nearly 20 years with a Masters Degree in Human Resource Development/Educational Leadership. I am also a certified life design coach and a certified Ayurveda professional. I am a health and wellness products designer and entrepreneur. I was on a path of “self-improvement” for decades and thought that was the way to thriving until I realized it was nothing more than a brutal, never-ending trail of promises of more and better, without deliveries. Can you relate?

Long story short, the endless "trying" never brought the lasting peace, satisfaction, dynamic energy or the transformational results I was seeking. As I moved beyond using my thinking mind and started connecting to my heart I finally realized it was my heart that had the solutions I was seeking, and I began to enjoy consistently rewarding results. I really had no idea that I was also opening up a beautiful, Self-honoring way of living.
This new experience I was creating, with the combination of all my accumulated knowledge and experience was not about endless trying—and the ensuing program and tools borne from those experiences were the answers to my struggles with stress, perfectionism and exhaustion. What a relief!
I’ve done the heavy lifting for you by developing the YOU-TURN System. The good news? Peace and dynamic energy are closer than you think! Check out the content framework of the modules, below. They are each designed to help you find your unique path back to peace, dynamic energy and deep meaning. You deserve it!
Your Curated Module Content at a Glance:
Your Introductory Module: OPENING THE PORTAL
You’ll love the content in this introductory video! I’ve covered all the important points to help you get the absolute MOST from your investment of money and time in The YOU-TURN System©. I'll share the secrets to maximizing the powerful content, tools and exercises to start thriving in Self-honor, peace, dynamic energy everyday.

In this inspired mini-module:
• An e-book copy of It’s Time for a YOU-TURN. (To read before you begin your work in week one. #1 NOURISH IT.)
• A content video to introduce and guide you through the most effective ways to generate your most positive outcomes
• Your first mini-workbook that includes my welcome and your very first YOU-TURN exercise
Module 1: NOURISH IT
Start creating balance in your ability to nourish yourself without it being all about food. Curious? You will discover the four most important pieces to YOUR nourishment puzzle, and learn to adjust and assemble your own unique collection of Self-honoring baby steps that deliver the beneficial and transformational results you’ll value everyday.

In this inspired module:
• I’ll walk you through the layers of each of the four pivotal areas of NOURISH IT and help you see their overall connection to being truly nourished.
• You will formulate an understanding of where you currently are and where you’d like to go in each area of NOURISH IT using the YOU-TURN System tools and personal information blueprint PDF. Use these references everyday to keep you on track.
• You will discover and clarify which specific areas you would like to focus on to achieve the balance that creates meaningful, vital results and uniquely increases your peace and energy using the YOU-TURN System exercises and assessments.
• You will discover, optimize and activate YOUR perfect alignment in NOURISH IT in this self-lead program.
Included in this module:
• Step-by-step video walk-through to learn how to use the YOU-TURN System Tools and other informational assets to support you. This helps you to see where you are now and where you want to go on your path of Self-honoring nourishment. No "guesswork".
• Over 60 minutes of powerful video content of The YOU-TURN System Module, NOURISH IT, describing each of the four areas of nourishment. Each Module builds upon the next, so keep this in mind as you move through the Modules each week.
• The YOU-TURN System Module, NOURISH IT, also contains your transformational exercises to guide you to enjoyably interface with the content, deepen your understanding and create a new path to experience the results most meaningful to YOU.
• A week’s end wrap-up assessment to demonstrate your progress and additional exercises for those who would like to dive deeper into the content for even greater transformational results.
Module 2: STRETCH IT
Create Self-honoring balance in your ability to stretch yourself and achieve those goals! Discover the five stages of a balanced, Self-honoring stretch and apply them to start wisely and intuitively dissolving limitations and then soar over those finish lines! Create the beneficial and transformational results you’ll value everyday.

In this inspired module:
• You'll enjoy a detailed video presentation of the five stages involved in the arc of a Self-honoring stretch.
• You will formulate an understanding of where you currently are and how to cultivate your energy to create balanced stretching goals in each of the 5 stages of stretching using the YOU-TURN System tools, informational assets and exercises.
• You will discover and clarify which specific stage you would like to focus on to achieve the balance that creates meaningful, vital results and uniquely increases your ability to stretch with Self-honor. Create your own perfect alignment to discover and optimize your goals.
STRETCH IT content guides you to create healthy, well-balanced stretches so you can create new patterns that support your stretching success physically, intellectually or toward a goal and do it all with Self-honor. Each Module builds upon the next, so keep this in mind as you move through the Modules each week.
Included in this module:
• Step-by-step video walk-through YOU-TURN System Tools Training on how to use all the informational assets to plan your Self-honoring path of evolution. Refer to these daily to keep you on track. That way, you will always know where you are and where you want to go on your path of Self-honoring stretching.
• Over 60 minutes of powerful video content of The YOU-TURN System Module STRETCH IT. Here I describe the potential benefits to Self-honoring stretching in each of the five stages. You will learn to more deeply activate the power and purpose of each area and decide how to use them to support your Self-honoring lifestyle.
• The YOU-TURN System Module, STRETCH IT, transformational workbook exercises will guide you to enjoyably deepen your understanding to interface with the content, self-assess and determine how to create your new path to experience the results most meaningful to YOU.
• A week’s end wrap-up assessment to demonstrate your progress and additional exercises for those who would like to dive deeper into the content for even greater transformational results.
Module 3: EMPTY IT
Start creating balance in your ability to empty out and empower yourself by overcoming the fear of emptiness. You'll learn the power and purpose of emptying and methods to explore using your own unique collection of Self-honoring baby steps that will deliver beneficial and transformational results you’ll value everyday.

In this inspired module:
• I’ll walk you through the details of why, when and how you can use emptying.
• You will formulate an understanding of where you currently are and where you’d like to put your focus on emptying using the YOU-TURN System tools.
• You will discover and clarify which specific ways you would focus on emptying to achieve the balance that creates meaningful, vital results and uniquely increases your peace and energy using the YOU-TURN System exercises and assessments. Use these assets as a daily reference to stay on track.
• Start growing in Self-honor and skill as you begin to discover, optimize and activate YOUR perfect alignment in EMPTY IT.
Included in this module:
• Step-by-step video walk-through YOU-TURN System Tools Training on how to use your Personal Information Blueprint to assess and then plan your Self-honoring path of evolution, so you will always know where you are and where you want to go on your path of Self-honoring emptying.
• A PDF of the YOU-TURN System Personal Information Blueprint to keep track of your path of progress. You can refer to this everyday as you learn to apply the concepts of the EMPTY IT Module.
• Over 60 minutes of powerful video content of The YOU-TURN System Module EMPTY IT, describing the benefits of using the act of emptying on your path of transformation. Applied in baby steps, creatively and consistently EMPTY IT accelerates your overall progress to living with peace and energy. You will more deeply understand the power and purpose of emptying out consistently in your life. EMPTY IT content guides you to create healthy, well-balanced actions supporting your path to Self-honor.
• The YOU-TURN System Module, EMPTY IT, transformational workbook exercises will guide you to enjoyably deepen your understanding to interface with the content, self-assess and determine how to create your new path to experience the results most meaningful to YOU. Refer to your personal data daily to stay on track.
• A week’s end wrap-up assessment to demonstrate your progress and additional exercises for those who would like to dive deeper into the content for even greater transformational results. Each Module builds upon the next, so keep this in mind as you move through the Modules each week.
Are you ready to start YOUR path of living and thriving with Self-honor?
Click below to give yourself the gift of peace and energy NOW.

Module 4: STILL IT
Develop your ability to still yourself through Self-honoring baby steps, creatively and consistently. You'll learn the skills and benefits of stillness to start harnessing this infinite Inner power to support your Self-honoring lifestyle. Enjoy cultivating your own unique, meaningful, transformational experiences.

In this inspired module:
• I’ll walk you through the details of the importance and power of stillness.
• You will formulate an understanding of where you currently are and where you’d like to go with stillness using the YOU-TURN System tools and transformational exercises.
• You will discover and clarify which specific ways you would focus on stilling to achieve the balance that creates meaningful, vital results and uniquely increases your peace and energy using the YOU-TURN System assessments.
• You can refer to your Personal Information Blueprint every day to stay on track.
• Start growing in Self-honor and skill as you begin to discover, optimize and activate YOUR perfect alignment in STILL IT.
Included in this module:
• Step-by-step video walk-through YOU-TURN System Tools Training describing how to use your Personal Information Blueprint, and two additional YOU-TURN System tools to assess and then plan your Self-honoring path of evolution, so you will always know where you are and where you want to go.
• A PDF of the YOU-TURN System Personal Information Blueprint to keep track of your path of progress. You can refer to this everyday as you move through the content of the STILL IT Module
• Over 60 minutes of powerful video content of The YOU-TURN System Module STILL IT, describing the strategies and value of using the experience of stillness on your path of Self-honor. Applied in Self-honoring baby steps, creatively and consistently, STILL IT helps grow your experience of peace and energy through this stabilizing force. You'll experience and enjoy greater personal balance. As you develop a deeper understanding of its power and purpose, you'll also uniquely and meaningfully implement it into your life.
• The YOU-TURN System Module, STILL IT, transformational workbook exercises will guide you to enjoyably deepen your understanding to interface with the content, self-assess and determine how to create your new path to experience the results most meaningful to YOU.
• A week’s end wrap-up assessment to demonstrate your progress and additional exercises for those who would like to dive deeper into the content for even greater transformational results. Each Module builds upon the next, so keep this in mind as you move through the Modules each week.
Module 5: HEAL IT
Start creating balance and success in your ability to heal yourself by learning the specific elements of the healing process and creating your own unique collection of Self-honoring baby steps. Putting it all together, you'll see how to optimize your own healing process, delivering powerfully beneficial and transformative results you’ll value everyday.

In this inspired module:
• I’ll walk you through the details of each of the varied elements involved in the process of healing and wholeness.
• You will discover and clarify which specific ways you would focus on healing to achieve the balance that creates meaningful, vital results and uniquely increases your peace and energy using the YOU-TURN System exercises and assessments.
• You can refer to your Personal Information Blueprint to keep you on track every day.
• You can enjoy the Deep Relaxation Audio anytime, to enhance your healing.
• Start growing in Self-honor and skill as you begin to discover, optimize and activate YOUR perfect alignment in HEAL IT.
Included in this module:
• Step-by-step video walk-through YOU-TURN System Tools Training on how to use your Spiral of Wellbeing Personal Information Blueprint to assess and then plan your Self-honoring path of evolution, so you will always know where you are and where you want to go.
• A PDF of the YOU-TURN System Personal Information Blueprint.
• Over 60 minutes of powerful video content of The YOU-TURN System Module HEAL IT. Applied in Self-honoring baby steps, creatively and consistently, HEAL IT describes how to accelerate your overall healing using these concepts for greater peace and energy. Learn how to enhance personal balance and stability as you deepen your understanding. Then, you'll decide how you would like to implement these elements to maximize healing in your own life.
• The YOU-TURN System Module, HEAL IT, transformational workbook exercises will guide you to enjoyably deepen your understanding to interface with the content, self-assess and determine how to create your new path to experience the results most meaningful to YOU.
• A week’s end wrap-up assessment to demonstrate your progress and additional exercises for those who would like to dive deeper into the content for even greater transformational results.
This powerful bonus week will help you envision the "bigger picture" of your overall growth and expansion. You'll continue optimizing and integrating your wholeness by creating your own inspirational and unique Self-honoring life trajectory. You'll also see how you have already dissolved limiting blocks and begun to elevate the quality of your thoughts, actions and life! It's time to celebrate your plan of peace and energy and truly thrive!

Included in this BONUS module:
• A thorough and detailed video content presentation of The YOU-TURN System Bonus Module LOVE IT, describing the alchemical power of the work you have done in the previous five Modules and come to a greater overall understanding of what Self-love really means and how you can continue to develop and embrace it.
• Applied in Self-honoring baby steps, creatively and consistently, you will assess your journey of progress and evaluate the ways in which you have grown and accelerated your overall progress to living with peace and energy. The loving Self-honoring connection enhances personal balance and deepens your foundation of true self, igniting your wholeness, power and life purpose.
• LOVE IT guides you to create Self-honoring actions supporting your success toward a life you deeply value. As each Module has been steadily building upon the next, you will see with greater clarity what your overall vision for your life can truly be.
• The YOU-TURN System Module, LOVE IT, transformational workbook exercises will guide you to enjoyably wrap-up your understanding enabling you to determine how to create your new path to experience the results most meaningful to YOU. Enjoy sharing your big lightbulb moments with the forum.
• The wrap-up assessments demonstrate your progress along with and additional exercises for those who would like to dive deeper into the content for even greater transformational results.
Sweet surprises! MORE bonuses just for YOU!
I’m so committed to your success in The YOU-TURN System©, I’ve also added carefully selected links to videos, audios and blogs to your weekly module content. This will even further support your momentum on this upgraded path of the Self-honoring lifestyle. I know you're going to love them!
As you embrace all manner of this inspirational and exciting content, and begin to uniquely and creatively incorporate it, you will definitely start to experience the true power of an unsinkable Self-honoring foundation.

Ready to jump in to the high quality life you desire and deserve?
Click below and start your Self-honoring path today!

By the end of this course:
You will be using and enjoying the new foundation of Self-honor and skills you’ve learned to increase your energy and peace everyday. You will be thriving on your path in the ways most relevant, deeply satisfying and meaningful to YOU. Having given yourself the gift of an empowering YOU-TURN in each of the six vital areas you will be living life in ever-increasing balance with heart centered authenticity.
Who will get the most out of this course?
Those ready to own the responsibility to develop their skills, knowledge and deepen the mind-heart connection.
Those fully committed to learning the content, the concepts, and walking the path of Self-honor.
Those ready to embrace a path of creativity, inspiration, compassion, Inner wisdom and Self-love.
Those committed to completing the full program in order to experience their transformational results.
Those who have firmly decided once and for all, to live the Self-honoring lifestyle. Every day.
Are YOU ready for your YOU-TURN?
The times we live in require us to deeply connect within to activate Self-honor and strengthen the qualities of peace and energy in our lives. NOW is the time to live as the most stable, empowered, authentic version of YOU!
The truth is, by aligning with Self-honor, YOU can enjoy intuition, wisdom, compassion and nurturing healing resources to actualize your wholeness—with independence from outside circumstances.
YOU dictate your definition of success and a higher quality life experience by integrating Self-honor consistently, creatively, meaningfully, and joyfully.
Let go of trying to earn your worth through demands and forceful achievements or image. Step into a new paradigm and live the beautiful, deeply meaningful, satisfying life that is and has been calling YOU.
Our Guarantee
Once you click the BUY button, you will be taken to our secure checkout area. After you have completed your registration, you will be sent a receipt to the email you used to sign up for the course. You'll also receive a detailed introduction video and the first section of the workbook, called OPENING THE PORTAL. Learn how to use the YOU-TURN System to receive the greatest results and make the most of your investment. Within this introductory Module you will also receive your first companion exercise as well as the e-book for It's Time For A YOU-TURN to get you started on your YOU-TURN journey.
Your login information will be sent to the email you provided. Your first full module of the YOU-TURN System experience begins one week from your purchase date, with the release of Module #1, NOURISH IT, which includes a video content Module with companion workbook exercises. The YOU-TURN System Tools Training and Personal Information Blueprint PDF will also become available to you at this time. The Module content and format for companion workbook exercises is very similar in each module. I know you'll love the whole program! You can have confidence in the YOU-TURN System and trust in the quality of its powerful and inspirational content.
*PLEASE NOTE: Due to the nature of digital content, NO refunds will be given after purchase. We encourage you to read the sections "Who will get the most out of this course" and "Are YOU ready for your YOU-TURN?" above, to establish if you are a good candidate for this program on developing a higher quality life through developing Self-honor. If you are ready for a higher quality of life with more peace and energy, we are confident you will find that here.
IT’S TIME FOR A YOU-TURN Book Testimonials:
“A dedicated seeker and student of yoga, Karen Palaszek consistently incorporates what she studies into her life and teaching. Her dedication has led her to create this book, a comprehensive and thoughtful roadmap for thriving both in and beyond your practice. “
Yogarupa Rod Stryker, Founder of Para Yoga and author of The Four Desires
“Karen brings esoteric concepts into user friendly form by weaving together her extensive knowledge of yoga and Ayurveda into easily applied suggestions and ideas for making Self-honoring, life-expanding choices. I was excited to find her new assimilation sincerely refreshing and a practical guide to the challenges of living. I highly recommend IT’S TIME FOR A YOU-TURN, whether new to the path of self-awareness or a seasoned practitioner.”
Linda Baird, MA LPC, Certified Hakomi Therapist
“If you are looking for a book that will serve as a blueprint for living your best life, THIS IS IT. Karen’s language is engaging and relatable and her easygoing way of explaining how to get ourselves to a place of thriving is inspirational. She obviously walks the talk! Simple and to the point reminders as to how to get unstuck and move closer toward a healthy and more fulfilling life is the outcome of reading this book.”
Betsy Weiner, Founder of Amrita Health and Wellness
"Karen's classes ARE the gold standard."
Lisa B.
"Karen is a heart-centered visionary."
Karina M.
“Karen has been my teacher for over 10 years and is an inspiring, compassionate, knowledgeable guide who has very literally changed my life."
Sarah S.
“Karen’s unique talents make me feel cared for. They are joyful to receive, encouraging, insightful and beneficial to everyone. I am grateful for the guidance. Her contribution to my learning has made my life better, especially now. Providing a higher perspective about life, purpose and reality has made this year and others more manageable. “
Tina H.
“I am stronger today because of Karen’s guidance. Our sessions have made me smarter about my choices and have given me greater balance and energy. She has taught me to love and respect my body. I have high praise and respect for Karen.”
Judy G.
“Working with Karen has been one of the most insightful and productive things I have ever done. Her passion, knowledge and loving guidance helped me open up a new world of exciting possibilities, and has changed my life forever.”
Ian P.
“Karen has been my teacher for many years. I can honestly say that she has never been anything but courteous, professional and driven to help her students. ”
Jennifer M.
“I am doing well! I feel so much more empowered and less diffuse. Very impressed with the shift of perspective and everything physical that has followed. I am definitely more grounded and steady and I would say my mood is definitely more joyous and positive.”
Sarah M.
“Karen does a marvelous and insightful job. I appreciate that she is thorough, helpful and encouraging. Couldn’t ask for more.”
Gwen H.
Frequently Asked Questions
When does The YOU-TURN System start?
The YOU-TURN System begins once you receive your login information and the introductory module, Opening the Portal.
When does the YOU-TURN System end?
The YOU-TURN System is a self-lead program, so you will be moving through it independently. The core content of the YOU-TURN System is a 7-week, 6 module program. It is advisable that you stay on track and do the modules weekly as they become available to you. However, you can go at your own pace if you’d like to spend more time on one particular module or area of content to improve your results to a larger degree in that area. Therefore, the program’s “end” is largely determined by you.
Is a payment plan available?
Not at this time. The cost of the YOU-TURN System is available for one payment of $597.
What if I decide the YOU-TURN System is not for me? Can I get a refund?
Due to the nature of digital content, we do not offer refunds. We suggest you re-read the sections above called "Who will get the most out of this course" and "Are you ready for your YOU-TURN?" These sections will help you to understand if The YOU-TURN System© is right for you. Other options are to visit our website,, or our YOUTube channel to access free content and get to know Karen and her style of teaching to establish if she is a good fit for your learning style.
When are the modules released?
You will receive the first module, Nourish It, one week after your introductory Module, Opening the Portal, and all of the 5 remaining modules thereafter once a week, consecutively. The reason the course is structured this way, is so you can focus on and work with the material that is for that week only. It will assist you in greater integration and a stronger foundation of Self-honor.
How much time will I need to spend per week on the YOU-TURN System?
Your time commitment in the NOURISH IT module will be greater due to the need to watch the Tools Training content video, about 20 minutes, and acclimate yourself to using the tools as you come to the workbook exercises. You will also need to view the video content module for NOURISH IT, which is about 1 hour. After completion of the video, you may do the companion exercises all at once, or in multiple sessions of about 20 minutes.
In the remaining modules, keep in mind, as each week goes by, you will become more proficient in the exercises, which will then take you less time. Several of the same exercises are repeated throughout each Module of the program. You can also choose to break up the time as needed, spending smaller time chunks during the week for a check in, or to do a short assessment exercise. However, you may find that you would like to spend more time on an exercise if you feel called to do so.
In your bonus module, LOVE IT, you will have the option to spend more time, as there are additional wrap-up exercises and self-assessments in that week’s content that are highly beneficial. You will benefit from spending quality time here. Overall, just do your best to move through the program without anticipating a certain amount of time. Focus on QUALITY responses rather than quantity or time. This is the most Self-honoring thing you can do!
What if I fall behind in the lessons?
Because the YOU-TURN System is a self-lead program there is no schedule to fall “behind.” This takes the pressure off even if you have an unpredictable schedule. However, we suggest you do your best to work within the one Module per week so you can continue to increase the momentum of your experience of Self-honor, peace and energy. The best advice is to make this a priority, focus and stay on task for the best experience. Once you get your momentum going and start reaping the benefits, you'll want to continue moving through the modules as consistently as possible.
Is there a social media component?
The YOU-TURN System© is a self-lead course. We do not encourage students to share their personal YOU-TURN journey with others. In fact, it can be detrimental to do so. When we start comparing ourselves with others, or competing via sharing our personal data, often there can be feelings of discomfort, causing students to hold back or embellish. Both will pull one out of the inner awareness and push awareness in more of an outer direction. This program helps you to very uniquely and personally create a strong foundation of Self-honor, which comes only from deep within. You must be willing to do the work to receive these powerful benefits and connect deeply to the HIgher wisdom that lives within. In addition, the most Self-honoring choice is actually to spend less rather than more time spent on social media.