It's Time For A YOU-TURN (ebook)

It's Time For A YOU-TURN (ebook)

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Live the life that's calling you! It’s Time for a YOU-TURN is your guide to living well through mastery of the art of the self-honoring choice. Born from the combination of over 20 years of 1-1 personal life and wellness coaching, multiple healing and Ayurvedic certifications, and extensive study directly from masters like Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, PhDIt’s Time for a YOU-TURN will show you exactly how to trust in your own inner guide through self-honoring choices, and to build and nourish your mind-heart connection in five pivotal areas of your daily life.

The results? Awaken greater clarity, resilience, optimism, passion, and joy. Free your capacity, hone your focus and ability to take strategic, impactful action, and generate positive outcomes that will help you create the life that matches your heart's desire.


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