Spring has sprung! How are you doing since 2023 arrived with your efforts to continue progressing and improving your life? Are you feeling your efforts are working well or hardly working? Are your ready to start really loving your life and go deeper on your path of wellness, wholeness and Self-honor? If so, I invite your to join me for the next six weeks as I share how to improve your life balance, increase life quality and experience greater personal fulfillment in 2023. Your seat is ready and waiting for you.
Here's the plan. I will be sharing a series of 6 special blog posts with you on Facebook which will be uplifting and informative so you can start living a life a Self-honor and fulfillment, right away. I'll release one post every Tuesday. You'll be inspired with ways to upgrade your life in sustainable, Self-honoring baby steps using the content from my book, It's Time For A YOU-Turn, as our guide. Embracing these concepts will help you to create your very own, uniquely relevant Self-honoring lifestyle. So keep an eye out for those 6 special blog posts on Facebook starting next Tuesday!
Not so long ago, I realized it was again time for me to go deep within; to access the wisdom of my heart, to release the old, refresh and renew for a greater understanding of where I am being called to deepen and upgrade my own Self-honoring rituals and routines. This of course also guides me to understand how to best lead YOU to up your Self-honor game and keep growing! We each can continue to move up to new levels and expand our consciousness. I will be your guide these next 6 weeks and help direct you toward a life of quality—the one you desire and deserve—one Self-honoring baby step at a time.
I invite you to enjoy the next six weeks and make the most of what truly resonates with you. If you feel compelled, share this post with both men and women you care about who are also ready for support and some fresh inspiration! You can also enjoy additional free content on the Quiet Mountain Wellness YouTube channel (look for my "minty" mountain logo) and start climbing YOUR "Quiet Mountains" with all the support you'll need to make YOUR beautiful journey of Self-honor this year!
Always for YOU®,
Karen Palaszek, Founder
Quiet Mountain Wellness