
When Soothing Becomes Wounding

When Soothing Becomes Wounding
Wounding.  Coping.  Soothing.  Each one of these words can encompass a world of possibilities.  What we characterize as wounds or trauma can differ...

Having Trouble With Forgiveness? Try This.

Having Trouble With Forgiveness?  Try This.
Forgiveness is such a powerful practice and can yield a healthy detachment from some of the things that bother us most in life.  Yet, it can be har...

How Forgiveness Builds Faithfulness and Freedom

How Forgiveness Builds Faithfulness and Freedom
12 m


The Time Machine Called Forgiveness

The Time Machine Called Forgiveness
In the spirit of religious holidays and the season of rebirth where hope springs eternal, I'd like to talk about a part of forgiveness which isn't ...

Gaining True Freedom in 2024

Gaining True Freedom in 2024
As we begin another New Year, we often come with ideas or even pages full of intentions, goals and dreams.  Often, masquerading behind them are des...

Self-honor: A Balm for Life

Self-honor: A Balm for Life
Each and every one of us has been through trauma in our lives.  Trauma can put us on a path that moves us away from our greatest inner truths.  Thi...

The Softer Side of Precision

The Softer Side of Precision
There is a special power in precision.  It means, "to cut in advance."  It normally takes on a pretty analytical feel and requires planning ahead o...

Springing Forth With Meaning

Springing Forth With Meaning
As I write this blog, Spring has officially sprung.  I've seen plenty of robins in my yard pecking at the worms now moving and waking the undergrou...

Self-Honor Week #6: Healing Beyond the Band-Aid

Self-Honor Week #6: Healing Beyond the Band-Aid
In this week's blog we will explore the healing process and create a greater understanding of how we can use our personal power to improve the odds...

Week #5 Self-honor: The Power of Stillness

Week #5 Self-honor:  The Power of Stillness
Stillness in a world going 100 MPH?  Sure.  Why not?  And does the winning lottery ticket come with that too?  As unlikely as experiencing stillnes...

Week #4 Self-Honor: Using Emptiness to Your Greatest Advantage

Week #4 Self-Honor: Using Emptiness to Your Greatest Advantage
This week we take a turn from Self-honoring nourishment and stretching, to emptying.  You may wonder, what needs emptying?  And how would that give...

Week #3 Self-honor: The Stretch of Life

Week #3 Self-honor: The Stretch of Life
When we think of what it means to stretch, the first thing that comes to mind might be stretching the body.  Yes, this is important, but what is mo...