In over 20 years of being a professional wellness and wholeness entrepreneur and practitioner, I have come to one very firm conclusion. If you are not willing to invest in yourself by learning, developing and practicing the skills necessary to continue to grow in your life, your progress will be spotty at best and likely become so disappointing. Nothing can take the place of investment. If you do not make that decision eventually, you will simply stop moving forward in a meaningful way. Now before you start talking about money, hold that thought. Because the investments I'm talking about can be far more powerful than money (which by the way, you can both win and lose). The investing I'm talking about is the kind that will help you master your LIFE. We all have several resources: time, energy/vitality, money. With our time and energy we have the power to create "investment" thoughts, intentions and actions. I'd like to walk you through 3 scenarios below to illustrate how you can assess and get better clarity on ways to use your precious resources in the future.
Scenario #1: Wasting resources. This is something that usually happens when we have thoughts/beliefs and take actions that are irresponsible or immature (whether we are young or older) with regard to using healthy discernment or discipline around our resources. Here you might waste money on things you really don't need or make impulse buys. These are emotionally driven choices. When we are in a wasting mode of our resources, we are living for the moment without much forethought about what comes next. We can waste our time and energy on things that don't matter too, like procrastination, endless scrolling, or on people who are looking for a chance to spill their drama or chronic relationship issues. Unfortunately, when we stay in "wasting" mode too long, we can create serious problems in our personal life, work-life, relationships and in our finances which can all become difficult to recoup. This is the mindset of "I want it now whether I need it or not." It is based on wants alone, not needs. The other mindset that is also prevalent in this category is, "it doesn't matter anyway." We often tell ourselves it doesn't matter because deep down we believe we don't matter, and hide behind "things."
Scenario #2: Spending resources. Here, we are using resources, but doing so for things that will not give any or much further or future benefit. Some of the ways we spend, are a bit less volatile (emotional) and more mundane or logical than wasting, and often unavoidable. We spend money paying bills, we spend time and energy on laundry or housecleaning. Another difference here compared to wasting, is a spending mindset can also have an added element of planning to it, as well as a slightly higher sense of responsibility, even purpose. Yet, when we spend resources, we might feel good that the job is done, however we don't really benefit beyond checking it off "the list." This is the mindset of, "I need it now, even though it does not serve a future need." We could say it is not based on building, only getting by or maintaining. This is less driven by emotion and can be driven by logic or facts.
Scenario #3: Investing resources. This is the decision that opens the door to life mastery. It is the decision to invest your resources. This is a future-benefit mindset, and the one that is by far the most empowering. When you are investing your resources like time and energy, you begin looking for ways that will give future benefits. Investing means you are actively asking yourself the question, "How can I use my resources in ways that bring or yield a future benefit?" This also applies to the quality of your thoughts, the intentions you create and the actions that you take as a result of them. If each one of these is "investment centered" than your life is going to look much different than someone who is "waste-centered," or "spend-centered." Of course, we can also look at how we use our money, asking that same question with the knowledge that looking for ways to invest it will dependably bring greater gains for our future.
The most important investments you can make begin with your time and your mindset. These will directly affect your level of available energy as well as your health and wellbeing, measurement of happiness, success and confidence in your life. This is because they drive all the other actions. So when time and mindset are parked in "investment mode" they will bring "dividends." Investing in your mindset means you are curating your thoughts with forethought and intentions which directly and positively sculpt the actions you take to support future benefits. Using your available time as an investment helps you grow self-discipline and confidence. It clarifies and streamlines what is important and what is optional on a daily basis. You will create a strong "discernment muscle" by asking, "By thinking (or doing) this, am I wasting, spending or investing my time (energy, money)?" Not only is this question quite helpful in clarifying how to use your available money (time, energy) as an investment, it will also make you much more aware of when you are leaning toward spending or wasting. The bonus of asking? It puts you into the present moment, bringing your full awareness to identifying choices which contain a future benefit, increasing your net worth and your options in life.
Using an "investment" mindset is a game changer. It is also incredibly Self-honoring. Not only will you increase your confidence and self-worth, but also your discernment of the value held by your energy, time and money. It will develop self-trust and guide your choices; bringing clarity to the goals you wish to embrace—the ones which you have decided will grow personal mastery and bring new quality and value to your life. Now, ask yourself this question. "What if I decided that in 2025, this would be my only New Year's resolution?" Treating every new day as one to invest all your resources rather than wasting or spending. The answer is, YOUR ENTIRE LIFE would change. This is what I have learned and why I developed the YOU-Turn System. It is my signature 7-week online self-paced course, to help you learn to invest in YOU. You'll uncover the ways your deepest and wisest Self is trying to bring your attention to invest in choices that grow and develop your personal ability to thrive.
This is the kind of mindset and use of resources that make life wonderful, interesting, productive, satisfying and filled with what YOU love, including happiness and deep meaning. This year, why not finally invest in yourself? I hope you will give sincere consideration to taking the leap of investing each of your resources because there is so much life quality and value to lose if you don't. Wouldn't it be nice to live a life of confidence, ease and mastery regardless of what is going on in the world? Focus first on what is going on in yours, and thrive in 2025!
Interested? We'd love to help you. Save $99 on the YOU-Turn System until January 31st, 2025. Don't miss out on this investment in living a life you LOVE! Check out the link below and learn more.
YOU-Turn System information, click here
Always for YOU,