Quiet Mountain®

Offering visionary programs and products that empower you to discover radiant wholeness and unshakable Self-honor.

Always for YOU™

Watch Our YOU-Turn Presentations

Sustainable wellness begins with Self-honor

UPLIFTING YOUR LIFE: Enjoy our 7-week online immersion program to build Self-honor. It's called The YOU-TURN System©. You'll learn exciting and profound content, strategies, tools and techniques to nurture and restore wholeness. Developing Self-honoring thoughts and actions will optimize deeply meaningful and inspirational outcomes. It's time to be your best! Awaken and reconnect to your deeper Self with our innovative blend of the practical and Spiritual. Refresh vitality, clarity, self-authority, self-love and thrive!

Start LIVING the inspired life that's calling YOU! 

Watch the webinar here: https://quietmountainwellness.com/pages/you-turn-webinars

View the details of the YOU-TURN System© here: https://quietmountainwellness.com/pages/u-turn-online-courses

UPLIFTING YOUR PRACTICE: Our visionary yoga and meditation practice essentials are intentionally designed to bring greater inner harmony and reverence to every single session. Our Quiet Mountain® Whisper Mats and MalaBeds are uniquely and lovingly fortified with millions of repetitions of sacred healing mantras to nourish and bless you.  OM.

Inspired, sustainable positive change. Always for YOU!

Helping you thrive is our specialty

Building Self-Honor Into Your Life

Our insightful books and specialized products guide you to systematically and exponentially elevate your thoughts, habits and life. Create your own unbreakable foundation, and say goodbye to stress and exhaustion.

grow sustainable peace and vitality

Create A Radiant Energetic Body

Experience our high quality, uniquely versatile, patented yoga, meditation, healing and fitness products. Together they help you restore vitality, clarity and a sense of calm on the mat—and beyond.

explore visionary yoga products

Living Life As Your Best Self

Elevate your consciousness and life with our powerful programs! Nourish and integrate mind and heart with profound content and practices that relax, refresh, restore and empower! Then activate YOUR new vision for a thriving life.

living the Self-honoring Lifestyle

in praise of: the quiet mountain whisper mat®

One of those perfect examples of east meeting west to create an evolutionary product improvement.

Rita Treiger, Editor in Chief Fit Yoga magazine

Your mat is FANTASTIC!! It's amazing what it can do for your practice! 

Jill, Jonny Kest Center for Yoga

 A subtle shift in comfort and stability and, above all, a quiet, "this is how it should be" moment.

Veronica Zador, International Association of Yoga Therapists

Inspiration from the Mountain Blog

Selena Gomez: Hidden Lessons We Can All Learn From Her Post

Selena Gomez: Hidden Lessons We Can All Learn From Her Post

The stars of Hollywood and those in the music business often have our attention.  We watch, wonder, and maybe even secretly wish we could step into...
Learning to live wisely in 2025

Why 2025 Must Be Your Year Of Wisdom

Every day we go through our lives making all kinds of decisions.  The greatest majority of those decisions come from well ingrained habits or old r...
Creating Mastery In Your Life Begins With This One Decision

Creating Mastery In Your Life Begins With This One Decision

In over 20 years of being a professional wellness and wholeness entrepreneur and practitioner, I have come to one very firm conclusion.  If you are...

How can we serve YOU?


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Visit our YOUTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@quietmountainwellness7916

Visit our Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/QuietMountainWellness