
Six weeks of Self-honor from Quiet Mountain Wellness

Six weeks of Self-honor from Quiet Mountain Wellness

Karen Palaszek, Founder of Quiet Mountain Wellness invites you to join her for six weeks of Self-honor, where she will share tips to build Self-honor from her book, It's Time For a YOU-Turn every Tuesday on Facebook.  Be sure to check out this powerful and inspiring information!  Learn to live the Self-honoring lifestyle and start creating the life you love.  Fill it with health, wholeness, dynamic energy and Self-honor.  Make it a great year!    

The Opposite of Love? Ignorance

The Opposite of Love?   Ignorance
As a youngster I was taught the opposite of love, was hate, which made logical sense to my young mind.  Later in life I learned the opposite of lov...

How Reason Inhibits Healing

Learn why reason inhibits healing
Our reasoning minds give us power on a day-to-day basis.  If we have a good sense of self-esteem with confidence in our knowledge base, we can gene...

Life Beyond Coping

Life Beyond Coping
Our world is not what it once was, and neither are we.  In this transition that is squeezing us all on so many levels, comfort is the least of wha...

Five Powerful Reasons To Choose Self-Honor

Five Powerful Reasons To Choose Self-Honor
As we find ourselves spending more time having to navigate fears or concerns about staying healthy, along with the realities of job or career anxie...

Healing Mistakes

Healing Mistakes
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Temper Temper

Temper Temper
Where did your mind go when you read the title of this post?  Did you think of it as someone else or yourself, experiencing a heated emotional stat...

P.P.S. Note to Self: Focus on These 3 Areas in 2021.

P.P.S.  Note to Self: Focus on These 3 Areas in 2021.
Congratulations!  You've made it across the finish line of 2020.  As we all begin moving into mid January, there may still be lingering feelings of...

Connecting to the Current of Positive Energy

Connecting to the Current of Positive Energy
I have had a special request to write a blog on how to cultivate positive energy. As I write, there is, what feels like a collective suspension of ...

The Magic of Collective Digestion in Challenging Times

The Magic of Collective Digestion in Challenging Times
Our minds have been on what feels quite like the decathlon, and election day is like the last big mountain until we...start again.  We've all been ...